Dazzle Denver Interview with Amy Clay By Anita Solick Oswald


“We are speaking with Amy Clay, Boulder artist, teacher, blogger, and traveler, about her art, her travels, and her inspiration. Amy creates evocative works that take you beyond the images on the canvas. Her work is a gateway to a previously unimagined world and future. Combining motifs of mysticism, nature and sacred geometry, Amy’s paintings awaken one’s knowledge, rousing deeply held feelings and inspiring dreams to become experience. Whether the viewer is at home or away, her paintings nourish the imagination, transporting you to far flung locales, both real and fantastic. Enter Amy’s world and be captivated.” Anita Solick Oswald

DD: Tell me about yourself and what you do. What’s your background? 

AC. I come from a small town south of Boston, and my parents were straight up middle class working parents. But they had other creative pursuits on the side – my mother was a fiber artist, and my Dad was a singer/actor in the regional theater/chorale.

I was always drawing and painting since I was a kid, but I loved to design clothes, so eventually studied art and fashion design at Syracuse University. That led to a career in fashion design that took me to jobs in London and New York City through the 80’s. But I realized that I needed something more meaningful, so I cashed it all in and went on a soul searching quest, traveling the world for a year and a half, mostly by bicycle.

When I landed in Boulder, CO, I began to explore my path as a painter, studying a more contemplative approach with my teachers at Naropa University. I was well into my 30’s, and by then was a single mother – so it was a challenge at times!

Now my greatest love is to combine art and travel by living as an artist in residence in countries around the world! To date I’ve done over 20 residencies in 14 countries globally. You could say I’m a bit obsessed. I even created an eCourse about artist residencies on my website ( https://www.amyclay.com/ecourse ) , to share with others who want to know more about what they are and how to attend one. 

Q. Why do you do what you do? 

A. It’s really not even a choice to be an artist, it’s just who I am. I’m insatiably curious about life and art and have a deep longing to express myself. And I’m an explorer by nature – always seeking new ways to expand beyond my own world. So, it all comes naturally. 

Q. How do you work? 

A. I’m an intuitive painter – I never know what I’m going to do before I begin, or even while I’m painting. I listen deeply for clues about how to proceed, and just allow the impulses to direct me.

I’m mostly an abstract painter, but I also do various kinds of printmaking, and have even done a few hand painted animations. I love writing as well and blog regularly on my website www.amyclay.com/blog about art and travel and the creative process.

Q. What’s a typical day in the life of you look like? How do you organize your day?

When I’m at home in Boulder, I am weirdly very routine in my morning habits. I wake up and start journaling, meditate to clear space in the yakkity yak of my active mind, and then eat the exact same breakfast. I get out into nature every day, so either bike or hike, usually in the morning. I try to get in the studio by about 10ish every day. I’m at my most creative in the mornings so I paint for a few hours, then spend the afternoons with some painting and admin – marketing/website updates, applications, blogging, etc.

I supplement my income with seasonal part-time clothing design for various companies, and this helps finance and support my lifestyle, so I make hay while that sun shines too.

In the evenings I often connect with friends, or wind down with a good Netflix binge like everyone else. I’m not a creative night person so rarely paint in the evening. 

Q. What role does the arts have in society? 

A. I can only speak for myself, but I feel that art in all its many forms is about speaking universal truths. It’s part of the human longing to respond to beauty in all its infinite varieties. And I do feel that beauty is the antidote to violence. As the poet John Keats wrote, “Beauty is truth, truth, beauty. That is all there is on earth and all ye need to know.” 

Q. What has been a seminal experience for you? Tell us about your favorite artist-in-residence experience. 

A. There have been so many! My first seminal experience was living in London for a year as an exchange art student back in 1980 at the height of the punk movement. My whole preppy Boston persona went right out the window! It was a coming of age time and my whole world expanded 10 fold on every level. I never was the same again!

As far as a favorite artist residency – it’s hard to say because they are all so different. I loved Cill Rialaig in S. West Ireland because it’s so remote and on a cliff by the sea with the wild Atlantic weather! I also loved Fundación Valparaiso in southern Spain – it was free at the time and the studios and accommodations were fabulous. Although now I think they charge a substantial fee. 

Q. How has your practice changed over time? 

A. My practice really hasn’t changed much over the years, except that I have much more time now than I did when I had a family! My time is my own, and I often wonder how I managed to do so much back in the day with all the other demands.
I’ve also explored many different mediums over the years – encaustic, oil, collage, printmaking, hand painted animations – but it’s still always the same intuitive practice – listening, trusting in the process. 

Q. What art has influenced you? 

A. One of my biggest art heroes is Robert Rauschenberg. I also love the epic bleak vision of Anselm Kiefer, and the fluid lyrical quality of Helen Frankenthaler. But there are many current artists I follow on Instagram that inspire me on a regular basis. I love Instagram for that reason - so many great artists out there!

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https://instagram.com/amyclayart | https://facebook.com/amyguionclay | 