My online course about Artist Residencies is now open!


All about ARTIST RESIDENCIES - how to find the right one for you,create a compelling application and become an artist in residence.  EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!

For those who are creative and love to travel, artist residencies are the Holy Grail. From Antarctica to the Arctic Circle and everywhere between, artist residencies are dedicated places for creatives to focus on their work, travel to cool places and meet others from around the world.

I've been lucky to have attended 19 residencies in 14 different countries and counting, including Turkey, Iceland, New Zealand and India. I've been asked so many times about my experiences, that I am offering this as my first online course.

Join me for this fun and informative class and please share to get the word out!

Painting in the palapa studio in the Yucatan, Mexico Photo by Ali Goodwin

Painting in the palapa studio in the Yucatan, Mexico Photo by Ali Goodwin